Saturday, May 21, 2011

Guilty Pleasure

I may or may not have bought this.  On pre-order.  Because as soon as I saw it I knew I needed to have it.

What's worse?  I plan to watch it.  Frequently.

Maybe I'm weird.  Okay, I probably am super weird.  But there is something about this wedding and this story that gets sets my heart to fluttering and gives me hope for romance and love in the world.

It's also a reminder of a very important time in my life.  On April 29th, I was spending my last day in Morgantown.  I woke up at 4 in the morning to sit on the inflatable mattress I borrowed from a friend and watch the wedding, the last thing I watched in my old apartment.  After the wedding, I packed up my things and, on Saturday, I drove home--ready to start a new chapter in my life, too.

I'm glad the world didn't end today.  Maybe that's an understatement.  But I'd be kinda annoyed if it ended today--or in 2012, for that matter--because I am on the verge of getting everything I ever wanted.  At lunch with my lawyer the other day (yes, I know he's not "mine" but I don't know what else to call him), he encouraged me to pick an area of family law that I am interested in writing a small informative book about, emphasizing that whatever I pick will probably end up constituting a majority of my practice.  Did you hear that?  Whatever I pick



I have never heard of such a thing.  I fully expected law firm life to be like "this is the gap we need filled, fill it."  And me sincerely responding, "oh, yes, there's nothing I like better."  But to pick?  That gives me a sense of autonomy and self-directed-ness that makes this whole thing sound too good to be true.  But oddly enough, I don't think it is.  I think I just hit the career jackpot.  I feel blessed, and I won't forget that for a single minute.

Still, I have to figure out what I'm interested in.  My lawyer suggested equitable distribution, but then almost immediately discarded it, saying that he didn't think I'd be interested enough in it.  I don't know what I'm interested in because, honestly, I never thought it mattered.  I know I like family law--obviously--but as to narrowing it down to a particular area, I'm at a loss.  I'll have to do some research and see what I like.  Or what I think I'll like.  And, anyway, to write a book, whatever it's about, is also super exciting.  As a former English major, I thought I had to give up my dream of being published when I chose law school.  But, as it turns out, I get to have my cake and eat it, too.

Hard to believe.

Luckiest girl in the world, right here.  And I sincerely hope that all of my friends, but particularly Savannah and Claire, two of the most deserving girls I know, are blessed with the same good fortune.

1 comment:

  1. I got a new blog!! Hope bar prep is coming along, and I can't wait to hear more about the new fur-child!
